How a Hero Pill Dispenser Can Help Caregivers

There are a lot of responsibilities that come with being a caregiver, especially when the person you are caring for requires medication various times throughout the day. Remembering precise doses and pill regimes can be tough, and mistakes in dosing can lead to accidental ADRs (adverse drug reactions), or worse. In fact, errors in medication management can lead to up to 25% of annual U.S. hospitalizations.
There are many options available to caregivers to improve medication management, but when it comes to pill dispensers, Hero stands out as a holistic medication management system. Here’s how:
Automated Schedule and Reminders
The Hero dispenser simplifies the user’s schedule by providing alerts when it’s time to take medication with a pleasant chime, a blinking light, and on-screen notifications on both the dispenser and the Hero app. Caregivers also have the option of receiving a notification via the app, helping to include everyone in the process to ensure doses aren’t missed. You can also choose to have Hero call or text as an extra reminder, allowing both the patient and the caregiver to spend time away from the dispenser without worrying that they’ll miss a notification.
In short, Hero prevents you from having to use multiple devices for your med management. You won’t need a pillbox and an alarm clock to keep track of your schedule; instead, Hero combines dispensing and reminders into one convenient system.
Safe, Accurate Dose Dispensing
Rather than repeatedly checking pill bottles and having to read tiny prescription labels, the Hero App keeps track of medications for you and notifies you of doses on an easy-to-read screen.
Both the dispenser and the app stores up-to-date information about each medication, along with the user’s exact dosages to ensure the right dose is received every time. This greatly reduces the risks of accidental overdose, providing both safety and convenience for everyone involved.
Moreover, you and your loved one will never have to worry about consistently organizing medication, whether to sort individual doses and or trying to fill a weekly pill box. As you approach your next dose, the Hero Dispenser will automatically sort your medication, and once you’re ready for it to be dispensed, your medication will be dropped into an easy to grab cup.
Prescription Tracking
With Hero’s medication tracking system, you can track refills, adherence, and other important information all in one convenient app. As a caregiver, the ability to track up to 10 different medications in the dispenser and an additional 10 medications within the app can give you priceless peace of mind.
Hero keeps track of every dose, displaying a green check with the word “dispensed” when medication is taken, or displaying a red mark with the word “missed” if it’s not. Hero keeps a record of this adherence to be able to share with the physician, providing better insight on whether or not a medication is working.
Additionally, Hero will let you know when it’s time to order a refill, covering every base so that no dose is missed.
Secure Medication Storage
One of the most important aspects of medication management is safety and security.
It can be extremely dangerous for curious teens, young children, or pets to ingest prescription medication. Moreover, prescription bottles provide easy access to anyone who comes across them.
With the option to require a passcode for dispensing, Hero stores meds safely and securely so you can rest assured that only those who need access have access. The passcode can be any combination of 4 digits that you should keep private between the caregiver and the user, giving you peace of mind that when it’s time to take your medication. In case of an emergency like a power outage, Hero also has a Safety Key that can be used to open the device manually and access your medication.
Saved Time and Peace of Mind
Caregiving isn’t just about providing medication and support for your loved ones––it’s also about spending quality time and building memories together.
Medication can become a main focus when it needs to be taken throughout the day, especially when missing prescriptions could have immediate effects on your loved one’s health. You may find that you’re constantly checking the time to ensure your medication won’t be missed, or worrying that a dose you administered was more than it should have been. Hero helps you take control of your caregiving schedule, keeping your mind on what matters and knowing you’ll be notified when medication is needed. This automatic system also allows your loved one to feel a sense of independence, as they no longer need to rely on someone else to watch over their medication regimen.
Affordable Membership Model
The membership model also makes Hero more affordable to people who need it. Many pill dispensers have a large upfront cost that’s not within reach for most. Paying a low monthly fee allows access to streamlined medication management, along with bringing you 24/7 customer service availability.
Let Hero Take Care of Med Management
Being a caregiver for a loved one is a major responsibility that can be taxing on your mental health, especially as you’re entrusted with safety and medical needs.
Let Hero take some of the weight off by turning medication management into an easy, streamlined, closed-loop that helps ensure doses are accurate and on-time, everytime.
Click here if you’re ready to explore Hero and see how easy it can be to set up the dispenser and let Hero take care of med management all in one system.
Complex med schedule? We solved it.
Hero’s smart dispenser reminds you to take your meds and dispenses the right dose, at the right time.

The contents of the above article are for informational and educational purposes only. The article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified clinician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or its treatment and do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information published by us. Hero is indicated for medication dispensing for general use and not for patients with any specific disease or condition. Any reference to specific conditions are for informational purposes only and are not indications for use of the device.