Caregiving is an act of compassion and dedication for those we love – but it can often come at a price, from caregiver burnout to compassion fatigue. Discover strategies to best care for others and yourself during your caregiving journey.
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Preventing caregiver burnout through social support
About the author: Kasley Killam, MPH is the founder of Social Health Labs, where she partners with cross-sector organizations on local, state, and national initiatives to reduce loneliness and improve social well-being. She holds a master’s from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

How technology can be a part of your caregiving team
About the author: Elizabeth B. Miller is a family caregiver, Certified Caregiving Consultant, and founder of Happy Healthy Caregiver.

Caring for a child with special needs: a parents perspective
A Day in the Life -- Caregiver Series
It’s 5.45am and Louise Bell’s* day has begun. In reality, it began around 4am when she was awoken by a piercing alarm warning her that her daughter Tegan’s sugars were dropping to a dangerous level. That wasn’t the first time Louise was up that night. Tegan typically gets up and roams the house around midnight, and will often have at least one screaming fit between dusk and dawn. It's exhausting and it requires being "always-on," but for parents of children with special needs, this is a part of every-day life.

From Homemaker to Caregiver: Prepping Your Home for an Aging Parent
Most of us reach the tipping point at some time in our lives: the moment when we go from being looked after by our parents to realizing the tables have turned and it’s our time to take care of them.