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This is what a caregiver-friendly workplace looks like

This is what a caregiver-friendly workplace looks like

According to the AARP, 61 percent of employees work full or part-time before going home to their second job: caregiving for an aging loved one. Managing both caregiving tasks and work responsibilities can be challenging, and without support, it can lead to financial hardships and declines in both physical and mental health – all of which can directly impact an individual’s performance at work. 

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Medication dispensing systems: how payers, providers, and pharmacies can boost adherence 

Medication dispensing systems: how payers, providers, and pharmacies can boost adherence 

Every day, our healthcare system is disrupted by a national medication nonadherence crisis. 

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Medication adherence vs compliance: How smart tools can bridge the nonadherence gap

Medication adherence vs compliance: How smart tools can bridge the nonadherence gap

‘Medication adherence’ and ‘medication compliance’ have historically been used interchangeably. After all, both terms relate to a patient’s ability to take their medication as prescribed. Although adherence and compliance seem synonymous, read on to discover their subtle differences. 

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Medication adherence tools: best options for providers, payers, and pharmacies

Medication adherence tools: best options for providers, payers, and pharmacies

Did you know that one in five patients don’t fill their prescriptions as directed? And among those who do, half of them don’t take their medications as prescribed?

Medication nonadherence can have life-threatening consequences, and costs our healthcare system $100 billion in avoidable hospitalizations. It’s no wonder why patient adherence is a high priority for providers, insurance payers, and pharmacies. 

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