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"When Can I Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?": A Comprehensive Guide
While we all feel relieved that COVID-19 vaccines have arrived, getting everyone vaccinated who wants to be will be a feat of serious logistics.

The Best Way To Fill Your Weekly Pill Box
Discover the best way to fill and manage your weekly pill organizer and explore how technology can simplify your medication management with the Hero Dispenser and App. Enhance your health routine today!

What I wish I knew as a working caregiver
I was a family caregiver in the sandwich generation for over six years. While raising two children, I was simultaneously caring for aging parents. At the time, my husband was also juggling caregiver responsibilities. He was the primary caregiver for his divorced mom, who had stage 4 lung cancer. I cared for my widowed mom with multiple chronic health conditions, including COPD, diabetes, and mobility issues. Our multiple competing roles made my husband and I feel squeezed. Layer on both of our full-time jobs, and we were barely hanging on to our messy lives.