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Are caregiver expenses tax deductible? How to claim caregiver medical expenses 

Are caregiver expenses tax deductible? How to claim caregiver medical expenses 

Paying for Mom’s or Dad’s prescriptions, doctor’s appointments, or medical monitoring devices can get expensive. You may have had to make home modifications or offer financial assistance to help your older loved ones support themselves. 

These expenses can add up; in fact, American families spend almost 26% of their annual income on caregiving, including 17% on medical costs. Fortunately, there are tax breaks available for caregivers that may offer some financial relief. 

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Medication dispensing machines in hospitals: how to reduce medication errors with automated systems

Medication dispensing machines in hospitals: how to reduce medication errors with automated systems

Medication errors affect almost seven million Americans per year, leading to 7,000–9,000 deaths and $40 billion in healthcare spending. The good news? They are entirely preventable. 

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When medication taking goes awry: the varied causes of medication nonadherence

When medication taking goes awry: the varied causes of medication nonadherence

Prescription drugs can improve one’s quality and quantity of life – so why do so many patients not take medications as instructed? 

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Pill management systems: Which one is right for you? 

Pill management systems: Which one is right for you? 

Sticking to a medication routine is harder than it seems – especially when multiple meds are at play. But medication management isn’t always a question of motivation or willpower – sometimes, patients and caregivers simply lack a pill management system that works for their needs. 

Read on to discover the many different pill management systems available to help you sort, organize, and track your meds and refills.  

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