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How prescription monitoring programs can improve medication adherence

How prescription monitoring programs can improve medication adherence

When it comes to value-based care, payers and healthcare professionals (HCPs) are eager to improve the longevity and quality of life of their members. A top priority to reach this goal is to improve medication adherence rates, which, when low, can adversely impact the overall quality of life, healthcare costs, and population health of the country. 

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Caregiving for a parent with Alzheimer’s: what you should know

Caregiving for a parent with Alzheimer’s: what you should know

Caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s can be a long, stressful, and emotional journey. With no available cure for this debilitating disease, your care becomes all-the-more important in maintaining your loved one’s quality of life.

If you’re embarking on your caregiving journey, read on to learn how to provide the best possible care for your loved one.

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Caregiving for a parent with dementia: what you should know

Caregiving for a parent with dementia: what you should know

Caring for someone with dementia can be demanding. But while the disease can be unpredictable, understanding its challenges and learning strategies to overcome them can help you care for your loved one with confidence.

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Caregiving for a parent with cancer: what you should know

Caregiving for a parent with cancer: what you should know

Undergoing cancer treatment is not easy – it’s physically and emotionally exhausting, and often requires the assistance of a caregiver as the disease progresses. For the caregiver, providing care – while not always an easy task – can be a rewarding experience full of love and a newfound level of respect for your loved one.

Read on to uncover important strategies to consider during your caregiving experience. 

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