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Hear from Hero members about their experiences with caregiving, dealing with health conditions, and managing complex treatment regimens with our medication management service.

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How Hero Changed One Customer's Life

How Hero Changed One Customer's Life

When we created Hero, it was to make people’s lives easier. To help simplify their days. And to give people peace-of-mind. When we hear from customers just how much our intelligent countertop pill dispenser is doing exactly that for them, it makes our work worthwhile.

Recently, we heard from a customer who suffers from a neurological disorder which leaves her dependent on multiple medications. Before Hero, her day would begin with the counting and sorting of her pills. She referred to this process as, “More than a nuisance. It’s a continual reminder of my dependence on pharmaceuticals...It’s not a nice thing to wake up to every day.” That’s when she discovered Hero: A “total game changer” for her.

In fact, she was so overwhelmed by the impact Hero is going to have on her life both practically and emotionally, that she made her own (totally unsolicited!) video of her unboxing and setting up experience.

Have you had a great experience with your Hero? Has it changed the life of someone you know or care for? We’d love to hear from you too!

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Hero: Time management help for caregiver Juan Martinez

Hero: Time management help for caregiver Juan Martinez

When Juan Martinez’s aunt got really sick two years ago -- ending up in the hospital every couple of months with complications from her diabetes -- there was no question in his mind that he would step in as her caregiver. Juan wanted to make sure his aunt could stay in her own home for as long as possible with the least amount of disruption to her life. He assumed the role of primary caregiver, as she had no children of her own, knowing his time was soon to be stretched.

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