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Preventing caregiver burnout through social support

Preventing caregiver burnout through social support

About the author: Kasley Killam, MPH is the founder of Social Health Labs, where she partners with cross-sector organizations on local, state, and national initiatives to reduce loneliness and improve social well-being. She holds a master’s from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

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How technology can be a part of your caregiving team

How technology can be a part of your caregiving team

About the author: Elizabeth B. Miller is a family caregiver, Certified Caregiving Consultant, and founder of Happy Healthy Caregiver.

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Can you overdose on Advil & other medication dosage FAQ

Can you overdose on Advil & other medication dosage FAQ

Learn about medication safety, dosages, and risks, including information on Advil overdose, ibuprofen toxicity, pain relievers, stomach pain, kidney failure, and more. Find out how to take control of your medication and avoid the risk of overdose!

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How to Organize Your Pill Bottles

How to Organize Your Pill Bottles

Pill bottles. We’ve all got a drawer or cabinet full of them. From the meds we take daily to the ones we take once in a blue moon, they add up. And storing and keeping track of the variety of pill bottles can be overwhelming.

So let’s talk strategies for decluttering pill containers.

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