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Can you overdose on Advil & other medication dosage FAQ

Can you overdose on Advil & other medication dosage FAQ

Learn about medication safety, dosages, and risks, including information on Advil overdose, ibuprofen toxicity, pain relievers, stomach pain, kidney failure, and more. Find out how to take control of your medication and avoid the risk of overdose!

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How to Organize Your Pill Bottles

How to Organize Your Pill Bottles

Pill bottles. We’ve all got a drawer or cabinet full of them. From the meds we take daily to the ones we take once in a blue moon, they add up. And storing and keeping track of the variety of pill bottles can be overwhelming.

So let’s talk strategies for decluttering pill containers.

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How a Hero Pill Dispenser Can Help Caregivers

How a Hero Pill Dispenser Can Help Caregivers

There are a lot of responsibilities that come with being a caregiver, especially when the person you are caring for requires medication various times throughout the day. Remembering precise doses and pill regimes can be tough, and mistakes in dosing can lead to accidental ADRs (adverse drug reactions), or worse. In fact, errors in medication management can lead to up to 25% of annual U.S. hospitalizations.

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Caring for a child with special needs: a parents perspective

Caring for a child with special needs: a parents perspective

A Day in the Life -- Caregiver Series

It’s 5.45am and Louise Bell’s* day has begun. In reality, it began around 4am when she was awoken by a piercing alarm warning her that her daughter Tegan’s sugars were dropping to a dangerous level. That wasn’t the first time Louise was up that night. Tegan typically gets up and roams the house around midnight, and will often have at least one screaming fit between dusk and dawn. It's exhausting and it requires being "always-on," but for parents of children with special needs, this is a part of every-day life.

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