Medication management

When it comes to managing multiple medications, staying on track is not always a simple task. Whether you're a patient, caregiver or healthcare provider, learn about tools that can track medication and improve treatment adherence.

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What’s the Best Way to Store Pills? An Honest Comparison

What’s the Best Way to Store Pills? An Honest Comparison

Organizing your prescriptions and supplements is key to good medication management, especially when you take a lot of daily pills (also known as polypharmacy). We all know that medicine cabinets aren’t really meant to store medicines, since meds shouldn’t be stored in hot or humid locations like bathrooms.

So what are better storage solutions, and how do they stack up?

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Generic vs. name-brand medication: Do you really get what you pay for?

Generic vs. name-brand medication: Do you really get what you pay for?

Have you ever stood at a pharmacy shelf contemplating the difference between a brand-name or generic version of a drug Chances are, you’re not alone. On one hand, the generic version is half the price. But will you compromise quality by skipping over the brand-name medication?

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Most common OTC medications: Top 10

Most common OTC medications: Top 10

Over-the-counter medications have become part of our daily lives. From minor aches and pains to stuffy noses and upset stomachs, we reach for them before reaching out to our doctors.

Since they’re so common, we put together a handy dosage guide for 10 name-brand and generic OTC drugs you’ll find in most everyone’s medicine cabinet. Please note: these recommendations are for people over the age of 12, and of course, your doctor’s orders take precedent. Because a Tylenol dose for one person might not be right for another.

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What is the Best Pill Organizer For Seniors?

What is the Best Pill Organizer For Seniors?

With the importance of medication organization becoming apparent in the healthcare sector, it comes with no surprise that various med management products have found their way to the market.

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