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How a Hero Medication Dispenser Can Improve Patient Safety

How a Hero Medication Dispenser Can Improve Patient Safety

Even the most careful, meticulous caregivers and health providers are vulnerable to human error. An oversight in dosages or medication times can have serious side effects for the user, and adverse drug reactions and overdoses are unfortunately very common in the elderly community.

Automated pill dispensers can be a life-saver for those susceptible to medication errors. Not only do they improve patient safety, but they also provide peace of mind to those administering medication.

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Pill Dispensers For the Elderly: Tips for Medication Reminders

Pill Dispensers For the Elderly: Tips for Medication Reminders

Unlock enhanced medication management for seniors with an automatic pill dispenser. Discover the right medication dispenser for elderly loved ones, with smart features like audible notifications, caregiver features in-app, and more. Learn how to keep track of multiple medications with ease.

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Meet Our Members: Sydney Collier, Paralympic Athlete

Meet Our Members: Sydney Collier, Paralympic Athlete

We recently sat down with Sydney Collier to discuss her Hero experience and how it has changed her life and athletic career. Here's how the conversation went.

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